The disaster in Japan on March 11th has been a shock for people worldwide, for Canadians, and especially for those who have ties to Japan. After living and teaching in Japan for 8 absolutely fantastic years, I had returned to Canada with my wife (a Japanese citizen who recently attained her Canadian Permanent Residency) only a few months earlier. Upon hearing about the extent of the devastation, I felt a deep sadness for all the people in Japan who have been affected directly as well as indirectly by this tragedy. My wife and I are not from the area affected by the disaster, but we find ourselves amongst a group of people who are, strangely, unaffected yet affected. We don’t have any direct connection to anyone from that area, but it troubles us just the same that the people of a country so dear to us, a people who have treated me and my family with such kindness and hospitality over the years, should be in distress. I wanted to do something…
Now, as the memory of the disaster slowly fades from the public eye for many Canadians, I feel I have an opportunity and a duty to do something positive. Drawing from the insight I gained through my many experiences in Japan, I want to share that insight and perspective
with my fellow Canadians.
I have prepared a presentation and talk that aims to share my experience in the endlessly fascinating Japanese culture and thereby connect Canadians to this event. Furthermore, I hope to encourage people to develop their natural feeling of connectedness to current events and to take action when they feel passionate about an issue, whether it be global or local. The presentation/talk is largely comprised of stories and experiences I find myself naturally sharing with friends, family, and students. Telling these stories about the Japanese seems to naturally relate to broader themes such as service, hard work, selflessness, and sense of duty. I really think it is appropriate for people of all ages, and I hope to find opportunities to share with community groups of all ages: schools, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, church groups, anyone who is interested! We have also prepared some simple activities like folding origami and a simple taiko (Japanese drumming) experience, for situations where a full presentation isn’t possible or, on the other hand, isn’t enough! I am hoping that when people hear about us they won’t hesitate to contact us as well as pass the word along!
Gambaro JAPAN!(がんばろうジャパン!)とは、日本で8年間外国語指導助手として働き、2010年秋にカナダに戻ってきた1人のカナダ人(Steve Johnson)が、東北地方の地震・津波・原発事故の被害に対し、遠く離れたカナダからでも何かできることはないかと考え出した企画。Now, as the memory of the disaster slowly fades from the public eye for many Canadians, I feel I have an opportunity and a duty to do something positive. Drawing from the insight I gained through my many experiences in Japan, I want to share that insight and perspective
with my fellow Canadians.
I have prepared a presentation and talk that aims to share my experience in the endlessly fascinating Japanese culture and thereby connect Canadians to this event. Furthermore, I hope to encourage people to develop their natural feeling of connectedness to current events and to take action when they feel passionate about an issue, whether it be global or local. The presentation/talk is largely comprised of stories and experiences I find myself naturally sharing with friends, family, and students. Telling these stories about the Japanese seems to naturally relate to broader themes such as service, hard work, selflessness, and sense of duty. I really think it is appropriate for people of all ages, and I hope to find opportunities to share with community groups of all ages: schools, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, church groups, anyone who is interested! We have also prepared some simple activities like folding origami and a simple taiko (Japanese drumming) experience, for situations where a full presentation isn’t possible or, on the other hand, isn’t enough! I am hoping that when people hear about us they won’t hesitate to contact us as well as pass the word along!